Today, we can choose from a wide array of mail clients. While companies often stick to the old-school Outlook, there are multiple alternatives to consider. Some of these make emailing more fun with emoticons or animations; others come with superior options for business schedules. Your messages may be transferred among them, often with ease.
As time passes, you may no longer find your old mail client satisfactory. This is when email transfer becomes an issue. Although you could try moving the data manually, mistakes may still occur. Click here and visit to read about specialized tools. There are many reasons for making the automatic option preferable.
Old Address
Make sure you retain access to your old email address for a while. This way, you can check the transfer has gone smoothly. When changing workplaces, bear in mind how much time is left before addressing deactivation. Have everything ready in advance.
New Address
Unless your new email address has been assigned by your employer, you will need to think of a fresh combination. It is recommended you use your name or some other attribute that does not get old. If the first name is too common, put your last name first, or try including the initials.
Transfer Methods
1. Forwarding
Although doable, this method can hardly qualify as efficient. Whether you choose to retain copies with your old email service or delete them, there are significant drawbacks. First, you will spend a lot of time forwarding every single message. Secondly, this just does not work for large amounts of data. Hence, instead of spending ages moving messages in this manner, opt for the following options.
2. Manual Migration
There are numerous articles on the subject of mail transfer. Whichever clients you are switching between, you are likely to find a manual guide with the required sequence of steps. Sometimes, when the message storage format is the same, the operation goes smoothly.
It is, however, a rare coincidence. Different mail clients operate using various formats, and you will still need some conversion tools to complete the process. Besides, you risk losing valuable or sensitive information, as any interruptions may result in data loss.
3. Automated Transfer
Tools that have been devised for the sole purpose of mail transfer are the most reliable choice. Not only do they eliminate the dangers of damaged data, but they also save you loads of time.
Whether it is Gmail to Outlook, Thunderbird to Apple Mail, or another combination, there is a tool for it. Rather than spending hours on manual steps with no guarantee of success, you can move your messages safely in a matter of minutes.

Make Your New Address Known
Once the transfer is complete, inform your contacts of the move so you receive their future messages. Make sure you enter the recipients into the BCC field so their addresses are not revealed accidentally. In Outlook, you may even modify your signature to draw attention to the transfer.
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